January 19,2023
March 16, 2023
May 18, 2023
July 20, 2023
September 21, 2023
November 13,2023
Meeting start at 6:00 PM
January 19,2023
March 16, 2023
May 18, 2023
July 20, 2023
September 21, 2023
November 13,2023
Meeting start at 6:00 PM
The Association has contracted with a new maintenance person. His name is Kraig. He begins working at the property as an on call independent contractor. Please let Laurie know in detail if you have repair needs in your condominium so that Kraig can be prepared with the appropriate tools/materials when he arrives at the property.
Service charges, $30 per hour, with minimum 1/2-hour increments ($15.00). Time billed will include the time back and forth from the community building for materials, parts, etc.
Attention Owners
At the annual Board Meeting management presented the YTD and the anticipated Net Operating Income for the Association in 2022. In addition, they presented the budget for 2023, with anticipated cost increase due primarily to energy and labor that are being passed on by our vendors. As a result of those increased costs in operations, Northwood Hills is forced to raise its dues by $10.00 per month in 2023.
Although we have experienced an inflation rate of 8.3% over the past year, we are only raising the dues by 3.92%. This leaves the association with a 3% contingency reserve, which is a very slim margin for error. Should that not suffice, the board would be forced to look again at other options, including a second dues increase later in the year.
Beginning January 1, 2023 the monthly fees will increase from $255.00 to $265.00 per month.
Winter Parking
Please do not park your vehicles over curbs. It prohibits the tractor/snow blower from being able to access or pass through the sidewalks. Do not park in front of the ramps in front of Building 1&10. We need to provide wheelchair access for those who need it and to gain access with the tractor on and off the sidewalks. The ramp between building 5&6 is for the snowplow service to push snow out of the parking lot area. Please leave that area open as well. to keep the sidewalks clear, we need everyone’s cooperation.
Please remember not to leave your car parked in one spot along the curbs for more than 48 hours. Our plow service cannot keep the curb spots clear if cars are stationary for long periods of time. The Association reserves the right to remove vehicles from the property at the owner’s expense for those who do not pay attention.
The annual meeting of the Northwood Hills Condominium Association will be held on Monday October 24th the Plainfield Township Community Center located at 5255 Grand River DR NE from 6:00 p.m.to 8:00 pm.
Those interested in running for a Board position, please submit biography’ to the office by October 13th. Board positions are for 2 - years term. Two positions will be expiring. Both existing members have agreed to serve another term if re-elected.
Each year we experience a significant problem with the white fuzzy things (cootonwood seeds) floating from the Cottenwood Trees that surrond our property.
They tend to get trapped in your Furnace/Air Conditioning units and subsequently in your water drain tubes that exit (or should exit) the units. When the screens get blocked, your electric bill goes up. When the drain tubes get blocked, the water overflows in your closet and can drain into the condo unit below you causing damage that may be responsible for. We strongly suggest that you avoid the problems by either hiring a contractor to blow out the lines or by calling the office to have maintenance do it for you.
The cost of having maintenance person is $30.00. You may want to have your filter changed at the same time. Filters are $6.00 each.
Please call the office to schedule a service time and date. 616-361-2880.
We have had one car stolen and another vandalized in the the past months. Please remember to lock your vehicle. If you see anyone that looks suspicious wandering in the carports, please call the Sheriff department.
Bylaw Amendments
The recently completed and approved Bylaw Amendments have been recorded with the Kent County Register of Deeds and are waiting to be completed with the State of Michigan. We are now allowed to provide this information digitally. In order to do this, we need update email addresses from all of the owners. Please provide that to the office asap. You can also email your address to northwoodhillscondos@gmail.com. If we don’t have your email address, we will have to post things the “old fashion way”', on the door.
In the near future we will be engaging in Phase ll of the amendment process. Please submit changes to policies listed in the current bylaws or rule that you think are missing and that you think should be revised, updated or clarified. The Board will be working with the Association’s attorney to make those suggestions to the owners for their review and vote.
Curb Parking
Every summer we find that residents ignore putting cars in the carports and the majority of vehicles migrate to the curbs. This makes it extremely difficult to find guest parking and even more difficult for those looking to unload infants, groceries, or other items. Please make an extra effort to put your car, SUV, truck or other vehicle in the carport. It would be even nicer if you would leave the spaces in front of the doorways open for those short-term parking matters, Be a good neighbor and remember to use your carport.
Covid 19
Please remember to wear a mask when in the common areas such as hallways and laundry rooms. You never know when and where you or someone else entering the building may have been exposed. Please be safe.
Laundry Rooms
Laundry room hours are 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. only. If a washer or dryer stops working, please call the Wash Laundry so they can do the repair. Their phone number is on the machine.
A/C Cleaning
We want to thank those owners who took the time to have their A/C units cleaned. We did have a few that did not and as a result we had more damage from clogged drain tubes done to ceilings and closets this year. Please help us and others in the future by calling and setting up an appointment each year.
Our Community
During the lockouts we have been remodeling the clubhouse by painting walls, substituting worn carpeting with vinyl plank flooring and replacing 20 year-old furniture with new. New cupboards and counter tops have been installed in the kitchen. Kenn has been doing a lot of the work in house to keep the cost down. We have a lot of positive feedback. We are hoping to have most everything completed by mid- September.
Winter is Here
Just a reminder not to leave your car parked in one spot along the curbs and to use your carports. Our plow service cannot keep the curb spots clear if cars are stationary for long periods of time. The association reserves the right to remove vehicles from the property at owner’s expense for those who do not pay attention. Please do not park your vehicle over the sidewalks or in front of handicap ramps.
2020 Association Fee increase of $10.00 per month to $235.00 beginning January 1, 2020. Last increase was January 2015.
Capital Improvements at Northwood
We will be updating and remodeling the clubhouse in 2020 making it more current and enjoyable for everyone. We will be replacing several hot water heaters that are reaching replacement age. In addition, some landscape changes are being considered as well.
Updating Bylaws
We will be updating our Articles of Incorporation, the Master Deed and Bylaws this year. They have not been revised since the origination of the association in 1998. The process will involve two phases. Phase I will be updates to the Michigan Condominium Act. Phase 2 will include changes more specific and pertinent to our Association. We will need everyone to participate to get this done.
The attorney drafting the technical amendments will be at Northwood Hills at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, January 25th at the clubhouse for any questions. He will be back again at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 13th. The meetings are to make residents familiar with the changes. No voting on the amendments will be done at this time.
Marijuana Use
Please be advised that Northwood Hills adheres to the Federal Law. Although 18 states including Michigan have legalized the medical and recreational use of marijuana. Federal law does not recognize or protect medicinal or recreational possession or use. The federal government can still prosecute people who are otherwise protected under State laws but are in violation of Federal Law. Violators of Federal Laws regarding Marijuana use in your condominium at Northwood Hills are still subject to fines by the Association.
Have a nice Winter
3417 Devonwood Hill NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525